Let's Get  

Turn your website traffic into subscribers
with the leading push notification platform made for publishers, marketers, and affiliates.

Have a website?
Start collecting subscribers in less than 10 minutes!

Users will get a browser opt-in prompt

Instantly start to acquire, engage, and monetize your website visitors with targeted ads


Create a publisher account:

Let's Get  

Turn your website traffic into subscribers
with the leading push notification platform made for publishers, marketers, and affiliates.

Create a publisher account:

Have a website?
Start collecting subscribers in less than 10 minutes!

Users will get a browser opt-in prompt

Instantly start to acquire, engage, and monetize your website visitors with targeted ads


Build a valuable subscriber base by integrating Push Notifications into your monetization efforts.

NotifyAI Push Platform is the leading tool to acquire, engage, and monetize your website visitors.  Push notifications show a 30x conversion rate over email and allow for optimal delivery schedules and targeted content to maximize your subscribers lifetime value.

Start collecting users
in less than

Zero platform fees

Create new revenue streams

World-wide monetization

Great for marketers, loved by developers

Proved, effective, and ready solution with simple installation.

Share demographic data for increased revenue potential

Monetize Mobile + Desktop Users

Create a push subscriber list and send them related advertisements that are compliant and brand safe to maximize your revenue.

Timing Matters

Especially when it comes to user experience. We optimize message scheduling so that users see a notification at the best time.

100% Managed Services

We do the heavy lifting for you with daily optimizations. Work with a dedicated an account specialist to increase your revenue potential by serving the right type of ads to your subscribers.

Get Paid

Payouts are based on a rev-share or per subscriber with no upfront costs or management fees tacked on later.

is a monetization tool for

Whatever type of marketer you are – Push Notifications can help you engage current users, monetize subscribers, and earn incremental revenue.

Register your free account

If you don’t already leverage push notifications, explore how to integrate the Widget

If you currently have a push provider you can still work with us by adding the Extension

If you can’t configure push, monetize your web traffic with our Subscription Link